Friday, May 17, 2013

He's Mine

I wrote this awhile ago just for my pup Bailey. He's such a sweetie.

He looked at her, he depended on her
He was so sweet, so attentive
He would do anything for her
Anything to protect her

Being by her side was his ultimate goal
If she was sitting he was there just close enough to touch 
If she was eating so was he
He could watch her for hours 
Peeping from the stairway just out of her sight
Watching with loving eyes
The moment she moved so did he
He knew she was for him
And he would always be by her side

She was the love of his life
And she loved her pup immensely

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

For Sandra's Baby Shower

My very first public reading of my poems was at my friends Sandra's baby shower. Her and the Ladies Night Out Group - Sandy, Kemba and of course can't forget Kathy :-) had been after me to read and after Sandra's special request I couldn't refuse. With my poetry critic encouraging me through the shower and cheering me on I went forward with it.

For Joseph Wayne Woodward

Life hands us changes
We don't always know what's in store
Whats ahead or what's right around the corner
We think that certain aspects of our life are over
But then fate takes a different turn and the unexpected can happen
We can welcome it, embrace it, reject or defy it
But in the end it will still be with us. 
Sandra's faith and strength, allow her to welcome and embrace her change
Joseph Wayne will be treasured and cherished. Pampered and spoiled
And loved beyond measure. 
Yes he will bring the unexpected changes and old memories back into in her life
From late nights to potty training to kindergarten through the teen years
Her love for him will be abundant, ever flowing,ever lasting 
This great gift she's been given along w her other two bundles if joy
Will round out her life complete
And add additional blessings upon her

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Not Alone on My Journey

I realized after my job and embarking on my next chapter in life that I was not alone on this journey :-)

No where to go and nothing to do
Finally it sinks in, there is no more work
Do I have purpose now?  
I have to come up with new goals, new dreams, new ideas
I knew this time would come,
But one is never actually prepared for this, I really wasn't quite ready
I hadn't mentally accepted my new fate 
But here it is, right in my face
Am I ready for this new challenge? I must reinvent myself
But I am not alone in this life altering transformation
My clothes are calling to me.  They have become lonely and desolate 
Without the twirl of the rack in my daily game preparation I used to play
The dress or skirt, black or blue, pumps or sling backs
They all tried to shine imperiously wanting to get my attention
Choose me, wear me, they appeared to shout
Now the casual clothes are blossoming giving a chagrined nod
To the once business, professional wear that has moved to the back
Relished to only be chosen possibly, hopefully, optimistically for church
Or on the off chance that an interview may come their way
Oh how they were once regaled as every day wear
The slacks shined on the curvaceousness of my hips
The dresses swayed in soft motion against my legs
The heels giving way to fierce and dazzling calves 
None to worry they will shine once more
Even brighter, more majestically in my new environment
That has yet to be named, but is out there for me. 

Blogging, Me?

Working outside my personal comfort zone
Everyone will be able to see what's in my heart
What's going on inside my mind
What looms deep within my soul
Am I prepared for that?
Bigger question, is the world ready to be a part of my exposés?
In either light I am going forward, plodding ahead, moving on
Making this the latest chapter in my life. 

A Job Ending

As I ended my job for 9 years this came to me

The Last Time
I looked out at the view I had seen so many times before.
Breathtaking sunsets, flourishing blooms of spring,
Tantalizing colors of fall that stroked the top of the tree lines,
Across my vast office window. 
It is ironically perfect that the day is dreary and filled with rain.
Cleaning out, throwing away discarding all the memories,
Of work done hard over the course of time. 
It is a melancholy moment for me,
Thoughts of projects, meetings and programs,
All discarded quickly into a shredding bin 
That seemed to take a part of me away as well.
I do not cry  about the past, for these words are my tears.
My writing speaks and feels and emotionalizes for me. 
Goodbye, farewell,  so long, for this is the last time.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Just starting out

Hey everyone. Just starting out blogging so the site is under construction keep looking out be ready!!!