I'm good at putting on the happy face, a smile, a laugh
But at times they are all a facade, an eccentric building up of my misguided undertakings.
Deep inside no one can see the turmoil that goes on
The angst, the bouts of discontent and the melancholy moods that can prevail.
Sometimes I need a friendly ear to turn to, but does anyone ever hear me?
Or is it that I really don't care to receive an unprecedented attempt at encouragement
An endeavor to give me hope or an unyielding effort to uplift.
Know that I will turn just a day later to laugh at the silliness,
The absurdity of it all and the madness of my aforementioned thoughts
Of how I felt just a little while ago and shake my head knowing that those feelings could rise yet again
But I enjoy the new wave of exhilarating feelings that tend to change with me each day
What madness will I now exude? What folly will I irrationally turn to? What foolhardy level will my mind reach?
Maybe it's not all a facade but an illusion to keep the masses thinking
Whether I have but a small semblance of sanity.